French internship program 2018

Elhangzott az Európa Rádióban, szerkesztette Jászter Beáta.

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In September 2018, the following students took part in the program:


Köles Judit 3.11 C

Dienes Ibolya 3.11 C

Péter Tóth 3.11 P

Csaba Mundér 11.A

Horváth Amanda 11.A

Be Lebeskó Beáta 11.A


In the 2018/2019 academic year, six students were given the opportunity to take part in French internships under the Erasmus + program. During the three weeks, the students gained a lot of experience. They got to know the agricultural work in the Rhone Valley, especially the techniques of harvesting, processing and packing grapes and olives. Under controlled conditions, they could test the tools, machines, and familiarize themselves with the respect and care of French traditions in family farms.

During the practice, our students’ horizons were expanded, they became more open to the culture and work ethic of other people. They learned to participate in workflows, work in a community, while their French and English vocabulary expanded and improved.

With rich experience, our students could return home, making use of a more successful life course at home.

Kovácsné Kovács Ágnes
accompanying teacher

Francia szakmai gyakorlat ppt

Kísérőtanári beszámoló honlapra Csizmadia Jánosné

Kovácsné Kovács Ágnes – Kísérőtanári beszámoló záró beszámolóhoz

Szakmai tanulmányút beszámoló CSVM

Képek az iskolai beszámolóról











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Portuguese training